Free Basic Rental Application Form Download
A Basic Rental Application Form is a commonly used template for residential and apartment renting. The templates are either in PDF or Microsoft format and have basic information to be filled by the tenant as well as laid out terms and conditions. A well-filled form allows the landlord to screen their potential tenants efficiently. It is also a leeway for applicants to get into tenancy easily by providing accurate information.
Steps to Fill the Basic Rental Application Form
These are the areas that you need to fill in the basic rental application template:
- Application date and application number
- Property address
- Personal information of the applicant which includes name, age, social security number, home phone, and work phone.
- Conviction confirmation. If there is any, an explanation is given at the back of the application.
- Present address
- Monthly rent and duration of residence
- Reason for moving out
- Landlord’s name and contact information
- Previous residence address, period of residency, monthly rent alongside former landlord’s name and contact information.
- Eviction information if any
- Names of other occupants of the household
- Pet’s description and waterbed information
- Smoking habits of the occupants
- Current employer name, contact information, duration worked, current gross income per month, the supervisor’s name and contact information.
- Previous employer’s name, contact information, duration worked, supervisors name and phone number.
- Other sources of income information.
- Financial institution details which include the name of the bank, branch, city, checking account and savings account.
- Applicant’s driver license number
- Details of the vehicle owned by the applicant from the make, the model and the ear alongside the vehicles plate number, as well as indicating the state where the vehicles are registered, either in New York or any other state.
- Address and contact information of two personal references.
- Emergency contact name, address, and contact information.
- Applicant’s signature and date during submission of the form.
- The last section for official use purposes with the date and time the application is received, the verification completion date and the status of the application. If the tenancy is denied, the landlord or the property manager states the reasons in that section.
A Basic Rental Application Template is essential in enabling the landlord to assess the proposed tenant’s background, employment status, prior leasing history, and creditworthiness. The screening of the applicants is performed to ensure the landlord picks the best candidate in regards to honesty, responsibility, and ability to take care of the property.
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